
Somewhere for free I acquired a calendar of motivational pictures and phrases that I have kept at my office. It has been interesting through the months to see the phrases coincide with my life. When I needed to rely on coworkers and stretch to meet my goals, it would be a month of 'Teamwork', and so on throughout the year.

December is 'Destiny' and the phrase is, "You decide your own direction, so make your journey one you'd want to read about." This is perfect for me as I just finished crossing some major milestones in my life. I am ready for a change. I am ready for the next obstacle that life is sure to present me. I want to rise to the challenge and overcome what faces me.

Manny and I watched "Paycheck" over the Thanksgiving holiday. That movie always reminds me that seeing our future is NOT how life is meant to be lived. Struggling to mold ourselves into something is what life is all about. It is up to us to decide what we want to be. So before the break was over, I cut my hair shorter than I have in the last 20 years and smiled while the pieces feel to the ground, never looking back. This year is going to be a good one.


Liz Applegate said...

We want pictures oh short-haired one! I'm cutting my hair too on Monday.

what people eat

what people do

what people say

what people believe